
Prof. emer. Keisuke Asai, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, having over 25 years of experience in the field of PSP/TSP measurements and paint development, will present lectures on the basics of unsteady PSP.

Prof. Yasuhiro Egami, Aichi Institute of Technology (AIT), Toyota, Japan, who worked at DLR for several years, will give information about TSP development and application.

Dr. Benoit Fond from ONERA, Meudon, France, will give detailed information about advanced techniques.

Dr. Youssef Mebarki, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, will present a theoretical background on Pressure-Sensitive Paints.

Dr. Massimo Miozzi, CNR-INM, Rome, Italy, will go into details of data post-processing and algorithms for detecting flow features like separation and reattachment from TSP data.

Dr. Vladimir Ondrus, FH Münster, Germany, will discuss chemical aspects and development of paint in his lecture.

Prof. Hirotaka Sakaue, University of Notre Dame, USA, will give a lecture on the current challenges in PSP/TSP technology.

Together with Dr. Marco Costantini, Dr. Ulrich Henne, Dr. Michael Hilfer, Dr. Christian Klein, Dr. Nils van Hinsberg, and Dr. Daisuke Yorita, they will present their knowledge and experience in different areas of the TSP and PSP technique.